Some data about PSI reuse in Spain
Data extracted from “Modelling economic impact of information reuse in Spain”
PSI Spain Results
National scope public sector information present lower reusability than regional and local sources.
MELODA metric shows that (204 samples) Spanish National-scope PSI sources presents lower reusability results than regional and local sources.(PSI)
Big cha
nge in legal conditions
Legal conditions of PSI sources in Spain has changed dramatically. From 84% with non commercial use and more restrictive licensing in 2011 (Sept) to 88% with commercial use allowed or only attribution licensed content in 2013 (Sept).
Spanish Infomediare explore new PSI sources even in Crisis
Infomediare industry expand the range of PSI sources even in the economic downturn of 2012 (20% turnover decrease for infomediare Spanish sector).
Available PSI sources grows steadily
Graph show the growth of PSI sources 2010-2013 in Spain based on CTIC data. Although data are not exhaustive they reflect a clear trend in the availability of PSI sources.
Access mech
anisms could drive reuse
It has been found a positive relation between reusability index (based on MELODA 2.5) and the growth of infomediarie use of PSI. Causality should be proved with deeper analysis.
More than 200 open data Spanish sources sampled and available
Data about PSI sources are available for download for non-commercial uses at
Academic Results
information reuse economic impact
A new model for assessing the impact of PSI reuse is theoretically described. One of its main branches is tested against real data coming from Spain. 150 companies and more than 200 PSI sources has been sampled, coming from 46 different portals.Global model consider increase of Public sector efficiency and open innovation, non for profit reuse and citizen reuse apart from the infomediare sector.
New metric for PSI sources
A metric has been updated and tested with 204 PSI sources. MELODA metric ( considers legal impact as one of its analysis dimensions which makes the difference with existing open data metrics. Technical standards and Access mechanisms are also considered. New version of MELODA (currently testing) will consider also interoperability of information released.
Time to implement reuse
There are some results which show that the time lapsed since the release of information and the start of its commercial use could influence in the economic impact analysis. Analysis of this factor could drive to design active policies for promotion of PSI reuse.
Actives policies but no extensive study about drivers of impact
Although there are well stated and active policies in the UE and USA for promoting open data release of Public Sector Information (PSI) fewer attention has been paid to its economic impact and its drivers.
Spain unique data
Study analyses data coming from Spain which is one of the few, or even the only country, which has two years (2011, 2012) published reports about of infomediare sector.
Interoperability of the information released (based on global and accepted taxonomies) could play a key role in information reuse.
Information reuse design policies
Deeper analysis of data could help to design more efficient policies of promotion PSI information reuse.
Deeper economic analysis
Extend study of data to measure direct impact on infomediare turnover.
At or @aabella (twitter)
Thanks to and Borja Adsuara and Pedro Martín by providing raw data about its studies for the intermediary sector in Spain for years 2011 and 2012. Carmen de Pablos for guiding this job. Eva-Maria Mora and Marta Ortiz-de-Urbina for their invaluable support and guidance in the evaluation of data and statistical tools.
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